
Pictures of Domesticity *

Complete with Andy modelling...
(*warning: rather dry post for those not caring about the intimacies of our living space)

Welcome to the visual tour of our new Wohnung:

You come into the apartment, to the Flur... you can see in this photo the front door handle sticking out to the very right hand side. The current view is through to the kitchen, with the photographer's back to the bathroom.
I'm kinda in love with that little chest of drawers, which we also got from the Spanish people. The shoe rack and big corner plant are from the Kaufland, and the shelfy thing that the plant is sitting on, and the baskety things that the ivy is in we found on the side of the road.

Germans seem to really embrace this 'trash is treasure' concept: unwanted items are put outside for others to pick up.

Last night I saw one of those portable clothes racks and the night before a pair or rollerskates!

Going into the kitchen:
(here you can see the edges of the door again to the right of the picture, going into the Flur).

I think we still need a microwave. Note the three bins: one for Restmull, one for plastic and one for paper. We are such good little Germans!

Also, my basil is dying again. I think maybe this time it had too much water? Possibly the worst plant scientist ever.

The photographer's back is currently facing the Wohnzimmer, so let's do a 180 turn (and stand on a chair):

Note that the art installation has now moved. Also the bucket is full of curtains that we haven't worked out how to put up yet. 
Sofa bed- Ikea, little pink foot-rest- side of road, everything else-Spanish people.

Here's the other side, with the table and Andy's reading chair (both Ikea). The viewpoint for the previous photo standing on top of that chair to the far right. Clearly this photo was taken a couple of days ago when our apartment was cleaner. 

Shall we go for a close up of all that domestic bliss?

I'm kinda getting hooked on buying flowers here. 
There are so many flower shops EVERYWHERE- there are three places to buy flowers (two shops and the supermarket) just in the main station alone... and everything is super cheap.
The stuff in the foreground is cherry blossom, that you buy as as 'bare' sticks with only tiny buds, and which gradually bloom over the week.

We also bought this really cool little amaryllis bulb (for 1 euro I think) a couple of weeks back, which shot up to about 50 cm tall and then burst into these wonderful red flowers... and then almost immediately realised that it could not sustain such beauty and committed suicide in the middle of the night:
Silly thing grew too big to hold up its own weight.

Anyway, seeing as we're in the bedroom now:

This is the view from the door. Andy insisted on having a second bookcase, despite us only owning about 8 books.

We are very german, and have to single matresses in a 200 cm by 180 cm frame. Oh so Practisch. Mostly because the supercheap bedframe only came in 140 cm or 180 and not 160- and it is nigh on impossible to buy 180 cm.

But it does mean I can have a firmer bed than Andy, and there is less night-time inadvertent face-punching.

Cupboard from Spanish people (ultimately Ikea-ean), bedside table from Ikea, little wooden cupboard from side of road.

And then if you go back out of the bedroom door into the Wohnzimmer, and take a right turn, you're back in the Flur, to the right of which is:

I'm pretty excited about that ivy, and I love that we have a washing machine (also via Spanish people). However, the bath/shower situation is by far my least favourite thing about our apartment. The shower does not have a rest at head height, so if you want to actually shower,  you have to hold the hose and do the hair scrubbing/facewashing/etc. with one hand. Apparently the last people were 'bathers'.  I've currently got a wire rigged to suction hooks that you can attach the shower too, and it's, for me at least, better than the one-handed thing, but it's still not ideal, and tends to mean that you have to stand really close to wall to be under the stream (and of course the bath is sloped at the edges). Not sure what we'll do about that....

Anyway, apart from that we love pretty much everything about the place- including the quietness of the neighbourhood and proximity to the hbf etc. 

I didn't show you the Balkon, which comes out from the two big windows in the Wohnzimmer... but it'll happen in time... we're currently toying with the idea of getting a little BBQ for summertimeparties!

And now, a plant:

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