Hiya everyone,
It's been a while since an update.
Andy and I moved into our wonderful new apartment at the start of the month, and it's taken some time to get internet access at home.... a process which involved Andy going to the internet service centre and having a conversation in pig-deutsch with a lovely lady who unfortunately spoke no english and kept looking wistfully behind Andy at our favourite-house-guest-of-the-month James R., in hope that it was all a horrible joke and that any second James would step in with fluent German and they'd all laugh about it.
Ultimately, Andy left with no internet, and a sense that he wanted the sale more than her: his repeated statements of 'Ich kaufe jetzt' (I buy now!) brought on no response.
Turns out that, as Andy has no German identity card or bank account so far, he couldn't have done it anyway- when we went back the next week the whole process went down in half an hour, and a week later we got our internet.
And here we are...
So the next few weeks are going to be heavy with updates of the new apartment (and some stuff before the move), our week with James and various other happenings from the last halfmonth or so.
Here are some first shots of the apartment 'under construction':
and doesn't he sell it fabulously?