Viva R.
Sometimes, when I start writing this blog, it feels like coming to confession. Not that I've ever, to my knowledge, been to confession, but because they always start it (in the TV shows and movies) with 'it's been six weeks since my last confession'
So. 'It's been four weeks since my last (Roman) holiday'.
Rome day 3 started in the Piazza del Popolo, and with honest intentions to get a bit of culture into ourselves by visiting museums, art galleries and the like. But the sun swayed our souls, and we ended up swanning through the streets, marching through marketplaces, and checking out cats. Plus there was some magnificent fence leaping thrown in there.

There was supposed to be a market 'just around the corner' from the Piazza, but of course, we couldn't find it.
So we wandered the lands instead:
The wandering of course involved some eating and posing. The icecream was of the 'ok but not fabulous' variety, which means I'm not entirely sure what the top flavour I'm chowing down on is. Possibly chestnut?
Ah Lindt, you are my favourite (please start selling the raspberry ganache dark chocolate in Kaufland!)
I feel like the day began with a lack of breakfast- so we were grateful to stumble upon this great Japanese place, which had amazing sushi (for me), and 'the best udon ever' for Andy. Sadly, they had run out of Gyoza. Get your act together Japanese Restaurant.
Tuna and Sesame. It is possible that the world of taste sensations does not get better than this. Is toasted sesame the best flavour ever? Does it make bread pop and sushi scream? Why yes, yes it does (It also goes really well with broccoli, the best of all the vegetables: I need to buy me some sesame oil!)
He had some sort of story about 'wanting to see the sunlight streaming through the hole. I knew he just wanted to gaze upon that magnificent structure once more.
Being the best girlfriend ever, I accompanied him, on the one condition that he pose like an elephant after the visit:
We headed to a marketplace in another Piazza (Navona) which I remember rather happily from time spent chowing into a Ciambella back in '09.
Now, sadly, I was too full, and too lacking of my Ashlee, to recreate the moment.
We stumbled upon some Roman Ruins (when in Rome). I feel fairly confident in stating that this is the place where Julius was violently stabbed to death. It is now haunted by hundreds (probably '10s' to be super literal about it) of cats.
I always think that nothing brings out the ruins quite like a cat feature:
There was more meandering, and more eating (of a particularly disappointing canoli- should've waited until Sicily).
We made it to the massive markets at Porta Portese, but unfortunately they were all closing up. It make for a pretty interesting scene though...
Andy navigated us into a corner, and we had to make a daring escape over and out:
What's that, more food?
My calzone was a bit disappointing, but at least Andy let me play with his food.
In writing this post, it has suddenly become blatantly clear how I managed to gain weight on the trip despite all the walking!