Paris- Modern Art and Fine Food
We spent the last couple of hours of our museum days in Paris eyeing off the modern art at the Centre Pompidou.

As you can see, the Centre itself is something kind of artsy.
Walking up, you pass by these beautiful old-school apartments and are suddenly hit with this crazy controversial pipe-covered structure that from the back looks not entirely finished...
.. You walk into a huge 'warehouse' and waste many minutes gazing around, feeling a little lost, before wasting many more eyeing the price tag of all the fancy artsy things in the gift shop..
.. the cat seems to know what the haps are, so you continue your journey up the escalators to the galleries and museums...
...which, if you're the kind of boy or girl who always wanted to go to the moon, feels a little bit like some sort of space journey...
Unfortunately, the museum pass doesn't cover the gallery exhibitions, but there's more than enough to keep you interested in the permanent exhibitions.
Plus did I mention that the view from the top floor is quite spectacular?
Shall we take a look at the modern art?
This is two pieces, the feather arrow thing being reflected in the first art piece- a mirror with the picture of a lady bending over.
I love Mondrian. This... I think my face says it all.
This was one of our favourites, with hundreds of little figurines spinning and dancing against the light.
Look! An Eiffel Tower!
I thought these were air conditioning vents to begin with.. but they're people in prayer. Which seems much deeper.
Another favourite- and an amazing idea. The sacks are filled with spices, so the visual was coupled to a strong smell of cloves and other delights. For me this is a great example of Modern Art successfully doing something cool and different.
This, on the other hand, is ridiculous. The whole room is 'art' with the canvases apparently meant to challenge our perception of what art truly is.
Tall Andy is Tall.
They had a Calder (the inventor of mobiles), but did not know how to display it. This made me sad.
Anyhow. There is lots of great stuff at the Centre, and I'd bet even more amazing things moving through the galleries. It was easily my favourite of the museums we visited (although this might be in part because I'd seen the Lourve and D'Orsay previously- but Andy also like Pompidou) and if we go back we'll definitely take another look.
That evening we tried one of the more touristy french restaurants, which turned out to be amazingly delicious. We started on a goat cheese salad and fish soup, then Andy had some steak while I chowed down on the most delicious preserved duck I have had the opportunity to meet and consume, and we finished on Creme Brulee and more cheeses. So Tasty!