
I went to the supermarket when I was hungry....

... and ended up buying many tasty things.
Near my guesthouse there are the two smallish supermarkets (super-ish markets?), Netto and Edeke. Today I went to the big Kaufland near the centre of town, which is the big Mama Shelob of stores.
(today I watched a Hobbit trailer.. so excited!!... although... is it just me or did they manage to blot out the  raw masculinity and pure sex that oozes forth from Richard Armitages face by application of large amounts of facial hair?... also, has anyone seen a trailer with spiders in it? because I have not yet. My six-year-old self, who (with her sister) begged her father to stop reading The Hobbit and nonetheless had continuous nightmares for months is pretty darn sure there should be some big friggin' spiders in there somewhere). but I digress.

Basically, I ran out of money and have been too lazy to go to the centre to find an ATM. Until now. And only then because I went to see an apartment in Potsdam and it was kind of on my way. (Let us all please cross our fingers that Tegan and Andy get the appartment.. because it is beautiful. Also, it comes with hammock fasteners in the walls!)

So Kaufland is pretty big. I also think it's probably a horrible place if you have any addiction. In most stores you can just skip a row or maybe two. Kaufland is a bit more like Ikea, with massive. chunks, I of store that you must pass through,  dedicated entirely to alcohol or gummibarchen or chocolate.

Ergo facto (sic.), I was forced, entirely against my will, to buy half of the Christmas section:

some chocolate marzipan cake... and a cinnamon (Zimt, for those of you playing at home) Stollen

DAIM philly! It tastes pretty much like eating a chocolate cheesecake.

Orange-Mohn (poppy seeds) thingies. These were supersweet- it's really just sugar inside. Which is sad, because I like orange, and I really like the Mohnkuchen (and variations thereof)

Anyway, my favourite by far are these.. although admittedly in novelty factor, I'm not that into marzipan.

These Germans just love their Kartoffeln!

Anyway.. as I was starving, I went into a Doner shack, where some kid in front of me was ordering four of these:


"Was ist das?" I ever-so-politely inquired, being a bit unsure of the difference between what they call a doner and what we call a kebab.
Kid gave some attitude.
(I think the English translation is) "DUH, it's a Donner!"
"Donner, bitte." I declared hesitantly, yet firmly.
and followed the kids lead by having all the sauces and trimmings pilled on (which included a much greater percentage of cabbage than shown in the picture:

These Germans just love their Cabbage!)

 The moral of this story is:

  1. Do not try to ManMatch the 10 year old kid by ordering all the fillings. YOU WILL FEEL SICK
  2. Do not eat a doner in <8 minutes while waiting for a bus. YOU WILL FEEL SICK
  3. Do not try to then eat chocolates or Stollen or Marzipan. YOU WILL FEEL SICK 

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